Update your knowledge about the latest health information, which includes medical, lifestyle, feminine issues, as well as your sex and love life here.Are you looking for a doctor, hospital, lab, or beauty center such as a beauty clinic, gym, and spa that is closest to your current location?Find all in the directory channel!At the health center, find it easy to find information related to your health problems, starting from articles, finding the nearest hospital to your location, to consulting a doctor / health expert.Don't forget to monitor your health condition regularly, gangs!Through the health book, you can count daily calories, check BMI, fertile period for women, to predict the birth of the baby.The period of pregnancy is over, then Mums will enter the breastfeeding period.Commitment and self-confidence, of course, already exist, dong.The next step, Mums also need to prepare some of these equipment so that breastfeeding is more comfortable.Check out the following 9 recommendations for breastfeeding equipment.The selection of a nursing bra can not be arbitrary, you know.Both in terms of size, quality of materials, as well as additional features, will really help Mums in the breastfeeding process later.Some things that are important for you to consider include being able to support your breasts snugly but not too tight, made of cotton and absorbs sweat well, and bra links that can be easily removed and put on with one hand.There are times when your little one wants to breastfeed directly when in a public place, such as when Mums goes to the doctor for a check-up or immunizations at the hospital.By using a nursing apron, it can provide comfort for Mums when breastfeeding your little one in public places.Make sure the apron is soft, not too thick so that the baby is comfortable, and easy to use even with one hand.Another consideration, you can choose a model and color that suits your taste so that you are more confident to wear it.A comfortable breastfeeding position for both mother and baby also supports successful breastfeeding.Ideally, you should direct your baby to the breast, but not by bending over.The reason is, a slouched posture when breastfeeding can cause neck and back pain.Well, to achieve this ideal position, you need a breastfeeding pillow.Confused about which breastfeeding pillow to choose?One of the recommendations is Lansinoh Breastfeeding Pillow.Made of 100% cotton, the surface of this nursing pillow is soft and does not irritate baby's skin.The pillow is also light, so it is easy to carry around.The breastfeeding process sometimes experiences latch on, which can result in decreased milk production.However, you can work around this by using a nipple shield or nipple shield to help overcome the difficulty of attachment and protect the nipple from pain for a while.You can try the Lansinoh Contact Nipple Shield which is specially designed to maximize skin-to-skin contact between you and your baby.Made of 100% silicone material, Lansinoh Contact Nipple Shield is very thin, soft, flexible, and of course BPA and BPS free.Mums can choose between two sizes, namely the size of 20 mm and 24 mm.In each package, there are 2 nipple shields and a hygienic storage container.In the first days of breastfeeding, it is very natural that you and your little one are still learning from each other.It is at this time that the problem of sore nipples usually appears.It's not a trivial thing, no matter how small the blisters must be treated immediately so they don't get worse and interfere with the breastfeeding process.Just trust Lansinoh HPA Lanolin which can help relieve pain and protect sore or sore nipples.No need to worry, Lansinoh HPA Lanolin is 100% made from natural lanolin ingredients that have been purified in special stages and without added preservatives or other additives, so it's good for moms and babies.Its quality has also been recognized because it has received a Seal of Approval award from the British Allergy Foundation and a halal certificate from ISA (Islamic Services of America).This product is also multifunctional, you know, because it can be used on other dry areas of the body, such as lips, skin folds, or diaper rash.Usually in the first weeks of breastfeeding, milk production is still excessive.This excess milk can drip and seep on clothes.So that this does not happen, let's prepare nursing pads that function to absorb breast milk.Did you know that Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads is one of the options?The BLuelock™ technology in Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads absorbs breast milk quickly to keep Mums dry.Regarding comfort, there is no need to doubt it, because it is very thin, has a soft texture and keeps the skin breathable, making it comfortable to use.And you don't have to worry, because there are 2 non-slip adhesives to keep the product from shifting when used.Not all mothers can always be with their babies to breastfeed directly.Well, breast pumps are a solution for breastfeeding mothers so that they can continue to provide breast milk for their babies when they are not together.Of course, a good quality breast pump that is reliable is needed, so that the process of expressing breast milk is optimal and comfortable.Don't worry, there is a Lansinoh 2in1 Electric Breast Pump which has 2-phase technology, a let-down phase and an expression phase.You can choose from a choice of 3 adjustable pumping modes to maximize milk production and comfort, as well as a choice of 8 suction levels for each pumping mode for ultimate customization.The ComfortFit™ breast pump funnel has a soft edge for comfort during use.Its use is also flexible, because you can use it as a single or double breast pump, and can be operated on electricity or batteries.The container or bag for storing expressed breast milk must be considered so that the quality of breast milk is maintained.No need to be confused, there are Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags, these special breast milk bags, made of polyethylene material that is good for food, have gone through a pre-sterilization process, and are BPA and BPS free.There are double seals on the sides for reinforcement, and double clips for safety to ensure safe storage of breast milk in the refrigerator or freezer.It's also easy for Mums to write a description of the breastfeeding time to be stored on the label that is already available without the risk of being punctured and making the bag leak.Swollen breasts are common during breastfeeding.The causes can be various, such as blocked milk ducts, improper latch, or excessive milk production.However, don't give up on breastfeeding right away, Mums.Lansinoh TheraPearl 3-in-1 Hot or Cold Breast Therapy is available which can help relieve swelling, mastitis and encourage the let-down reflex.This product is really unique, because you can use it as a hot compress by heating it using a microwave or soaking it in a pan of hot water.It can also be cooled in the refrigerator (refrigerator) or refrigerator (freezer) according to your needs.The design is also flexible so that it can adjust to the shape of the breast.Each package contains 2 reusable products and 2 purple pouches.So, you already know, what do you need to make breastfeeding comfortable?You can get all Lansinoh products easily via Instagram @lansinohid and at the Lansinoh Indonesia Official Store at Shopee, you know.Happy shopping, Mums!(IS/USA)Cats are adorable, but they can also spread disease-causing bacteria.disease.Come on, follow the first aid steps when a child is scratched by a cat.Pulmonary hypertension is a disorder of the pulmonary blood vessels that can cause complications in the heart and respiratory tract.What are the symptoms in children?Colds can be experienced by anyone, including breastfeeding mothers.Even though it's not a serious condition, breastfeeding mothers may be worried and ask should you stop breastfeeding when you have a cold?Some toddlers have a habit of holding back defecation.Come on, find out what causes toddlers to hold their bowels!Mums, don't underestimate the 3 most common types of food allergies in children!Find out in this article!During pregnancy, you may have thought, did the baby urinate in the womb?Well, to answer this question, let's see the explanation!Hearing is one of the factors that contribute to the development of speech and language in children.Do not hesitate to do a hearing test on infants and children.Do you want tips to recover quickly from a cesarean section so you can take care of your little one optimally?Find out in this article, yes!